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Your comments

This school’s values are perfect for my children. I want my children to be confident learners and lovers of God, resilient, kind, respectful, hardworking and excellent. St. Mary’s encompasses all of this and more for the children. Sending my children to St. Mary’s Tilbury has been a good decision so far. They are already thriving among peers and the staff are excellent. - Nursery Parent

I will be very pleased if my child  gets a place at  St Mary's Catholic Primary  School and continue with her education. At St Marys Primary School, they are committed to the Catholic values which are at the core of the education they provide.  I would like my daughter to live out the values of St Mary's Primary School for the rest of her life.  The lifelong learning aim to nurture a lifelong love of learning  and developing skills that will help her make a valued contribution to the society. She has done amazingly well at nursery, and built a network of friends . She has cousins who attend St Mary's, and it’s so important for them all to continue to grow together in the same educational environment. At St Marys my child has gained a positive attitude towards learning, and she is very happy - Nursery Parent

Great teachers and overall teaching.   My child is already being a student at the nursery has given us great insight to the schools ethos and positive influence it has had on her pre-school development.   She has made great relationships with teacher and students.   St Marys also being a Catholic is also very important to us. - Nursery Parent

Our child's English language is progressing fast, so thank you so much for your hard work. Our son is really happy and comfortable in nursery. Nursery parent 

"As a parent I was very glad that my child could not only experience but be a part of Young Voices. My child came home in awe of how amazing and breathtaking it was. It was definitely a once in a lifetime experience to perform around so many people. I am really looking forward to my younger child's performance in few years time. My eldest child cannot wait to go there again!" Year 6 Parent

Thank you all for your dedication hard work and support to everyone both children and parents "Thank you for the beautiful experience we had at your school"  Reception Parent

"All the children are well behaved and polite. It is such a lovely school"- NHS SW Immunisation Team "M is happy and enjoys school every day. I am thankful to all the teachers that have made this term a wonderful one" (Year 2 Parent) 

"I would like to say a massive thank you for giving our children an opportunity to learn the ukulele.  My son is absolutely loving it". Year 3 parent

"my child  has showed a lot of improvement and is gaining his self-esteem.  Excellent teaching and support given"
Year 1 Parent)

"absolutely delighted with my child's progress" - several times! Parent comment following Parents Evening

"I cannot believe that my child is reading at aged 4!Reception parent

" so pleased and proud with how well she is doing with her learning - thank you to her teachers for all of their efforts."
Reception Parent

" My children are so happy in this school and I am so pleased that my children have the St Mary's staff as their teachers."
Year 2 & Nursery parent

" My son has changed completely he now loves learning and can not wait to come to school." Year 2 parent