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School Lunches

Thurrock Catering provide hot school lunches. The menu offers a choice of 3 different meals per day.

Red         Blue     &     Green 

All primary food being served is GOLD Food for Life. This means it's Local, it's Higher Animal Welfare, it's Red Tractors it's Freedom Food and it's Organic. The menu is from Sustainable food sources.

The School Kitchen has been awarded 5 star for Health & Hygiene

School Meals are £2.50 per day. You can pay for school dinners through the school payment system. The school can not offer school meals unless there is sufficient money paid to cover the full cost of the meal (please refer to the School Debt Policy)

 For a copy of the menu and allergen reports please refer to attached documents below.

From September 2014, all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2, will be entitled to receive a Free School Meal under the Governments Universal Free School Meals Scheme.

Parents may provide their child with a healthy packed lunch, which must not include any item that may contain nuts. We are a healthy school, so chocolate and fizzy drinks are not permitted.
Please refer to our healthy packed lunch leaflet for ideas - click here

Pupils in Years 3 - 6 must pay for school meals, but you can check eligibility for free school meals by clicking the link here