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Pupil Voice

Leadership at St Mary’s

At St Mary’s we value the input given by our pupils. We believe that the school belongs to the children and as such they should have a direct say into what happens in school.
To ensure this happens, various appointments are made for leadership positions. 
The Senior Leadership Team (SLT) is made up of the Headteacher Mrs McBrown and Deputy Headteacher Mrs Smith.  
They are supported by the Pupil Leadership Team (PLT) which is made up of the Head Girl, the Head Boy, their Deputies and the Prefects.

Head Girl, Head Boy, Deputy Head Girl and Deputy Head Boy

These pupils have been chosen by the Senior Leadership Team for their supportive character, empathy to their peers, are excellent role models and are good ambassadors for the school. They welcome visitors to the school and assist the SLT with whole school events.  


These pupils work closely with the Heads and Deputies to monitor our corridors and classrooms during playtimes and lunchtimes to promote safety and good behaviour choices. They also assist the Mid-Day Assistants with helping to ensure good behaviour on the playground. 
There are also many other groups who work hard on different aspects of school life.

What are the responsibilities of a Prefect?

At St Mary's, we trust our Prefects to carry out different duties around the school, these include:

  • Modelling for other children how to behave well.
  • Supervising the other pupils at Break Time and Dinner Time along the corridor.
  • Working with the teachers to make our school the best it can be.

Would you like to be a Prefect in the future?

We hope being a Prefect is something you will aim towards as you progress through our school.  It's a great opportunity to work as part of a team and to contribute to our school community.  To stand a good chance of being a Prefect, make sure you stick to school rules, have a good attitude to learning and show good manners and you never know - it could be you!

How do you become a Prefect?

Pupils are given the opportunity to apply for the position of Prefect.  The teachers then consider how good an example these pupils have set in terms of behaviour and attitude and use this to select which of these pupils they think will be good role models to others and improve our school.  Being a Prefect is a big responsibility and we expect those selected to rise to this.

School Council 

Our School Council representatives are elected by their peers via an anonymous voting process. 
In the upper key stage classes, the students who wish to act on behalf of their class on the Council are required to produce a manifesto on how they will help to support the school and possibly implement change. They are then encouraged to read their speech to both their peers to “persuade” the students to select them as the best representative for their class (this is overseen by the class teacher). 
Once elected, the representatives meet at least each half term with a member of the Senior Leadership Team and invited guests to discuss the issues raised by their peers. 
The democratic process within the school is such that, the students raise their views, the Council discusses the issue, the issue is then passed to the Head teacher for a decision to be made. Feedback is then given to the students at a specially arranged meeting within their class or through whole school assemblies. 
Meeting dates, times and subjects to be discussed are displayed within the school hall in order for any items of discussion to be fully advertised to all concerned and allow time for each class to fully investigate their views and opinions on the matter. It is a caring, responsive space where the children can voice their opinions and they can say what they want and hope for within their school.  It is a privilege for the Student Council to represent their peers and they are working together to ensure that all representatives and children in school feel listened to.
Members of the School Council visit the Houses of Parliament to look at how Members of Parliament act on behalf of their local constituents. 

Eco Council

The Eco Council consists of representatives from Key Stage one and two who meet each half term to discuss the ways school can best support the environment. 
The pupils selected are chosen for their aptitude in recognising environmental issues which can impact on the school community and the world we live in. 
This is a role which the students will hold throughout the academic year.

Faith Council 

The Faith Council consists of two children from Year 2 to Year 6 who assist the Headteacher in all religious matters in the school, including whole school assemblies, key stage assemblies, Masses and services. In January of each year members of the Faith Council are inducted at a special Mass presided over by the Parish Priest in which they make their Faith Council promise which is:
The Faith Council promise

As members of the Faith Council we promise that we will always do our best;

To serve God
To show reverence when praying
To show kindness and respect to others
To care for others in our school community
To do what is right even when it may be difficult
We pray that we will keep the St Mary’s Way in all that we do and say


To be selected as a Faith Councillor children have to formally apply for the role taking into account this job description. Successful candidates are then given the role.

Faith Council Job Description

Faith Councillors will:

1. Assist with RE assemblies
2. Assist with religious displays
3. Assist with charity events
4. Assist with preparing Prayer services, Masses, Advent service, Christmas Carol Service etc.
5. Promote the Catholic ethos and profile throughout the school community.
6. Be approachable, providing support and guidance to students at all levels in the school, thereby fostering a sense of community within the school.
7.  Attend Faith Council meetings and training sessions.
8. Represent the views of their class and communicate information to their class about matters relating to school prayer life