How do you become a Prefect?
Pupils are given the opportunity to apply for the position of Prefect. The teachers then consider how good an example these pupils have set in terms of behaviour and attitude and use this to select which of these pupils they think will be good role models to others and improve our school. Being a Prefect is a big responsibility and we expect those selected to rise to this.
What are the responsibilities of a Prefect?
At St Mary's, we trust our Prefects to carry out different duties around the school, these include:
- Modelling for other children how to behave well.
- Supervising the other pupils at Break Time and Dinner Time along the corridor.
- Working with the teachers to make our school the best it can be.
Would you like to be a Prefect in the future?
We hope being a Prefect is something you will aim towards as you progress through our school. It's a great opportunity to work as part of a team and to contribute to our school community. To stand a good chance of being a Prefect, make sure you stick to school rules, have a good attitude to learning and show good manners and you never know - it could be you!