Laudato Deum - Keep being Eco!
On 4th October, Pope Francis released a new encyclical, "Laudato Deum" meaning Praise God!
Laudato Deum has been called a follow-up to Laudato Si’ and the title reflects this. Like Laudato Si' this new document reminds us of the words of St Francis' prayer-poem, the Canticle of the Creatures, which praises God by praising God's creation.
Pope Francis states specifically that the title of this letter is “Praise God” because “when human beings claim to take God’s place, they become their own worst enemies.” (#73) By this he means that when we seek power for its own sake we damage both ourselves and the planet. Power should be used to create a better world for all.
We held an Eco Day, to coincide with COP 28 to remind us of God's amazing world and our role as stewards to look after it. The Eco team set us a challenge to not use paper for the whole day...! Here are some photos of our amazing learning.