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Admissions & Appeals

Parents must complete the online application via Thurrock Admission Department

Certificates of Catholic Practice/Supplementary Information Forms must be sent to the school.

Mid-Year School Application

To make an application for a school place, you should complete an on-line application to Thurrock Council at

We are a Catholic School and our own Admission Authority, you will need to provide a 'Certificate of Catholic Practice' from your Parish Priest if you are a practising Catholic, alternatively you should complete a Supplementary Information Form, for any other denomination to support your application for a primary school place. These should be sent directly to the school along with a copy of your child's Baptismal Certificate.

Please refer to the Admission Criteria for all applications.
Over-subscription Criteria, please refer to the Admission Policy
Waiting lists for school places are controlled by Thurrock Admission Department.

If your application for a school place is unsuccessful you may wish to appeal (please see documents below outlining the appeals procedure).

Admission Appeals

Please submit your completed appeal proforma directly to the school.